Sunday, December 19, 2010

DOMINION Heavy Flamer Unit Now in Development

The Dominion Heavy Flamer is based on the weapon of the same name and type from the Warhammer 40,000 franchise from Games Workshop. It is currrently equipped with three modes:
-Normal mode for immolating avatars only, particle-driven
-No Effects Mode (no particles, still affects avatars)
-TOTAL WAR Mode for setting everything and everyone on fire

The Dominion is to go out in Beta Testing within the next couple of weeks.

TARTARUS Motorized Chainsword Now on Sale

The TARTARUS Motorized Chainsword from Schism Industries is a must have for any fan of the Warhammer 40,000 franchise. This chainsword comes fully ready to use in battle in your favorite Role Play sim or just to use on friends.

-Compatible with most major combat systems on SL, including but not limited to DCS2, CCS, Osiris, etc.
-Special feature "Brutal Mode" inflicts Damage-over-time bleeding attack
-Sounds/Movement/Particle Effects are all able to be toggled on or off depending on your needs

Please visit our main store in world to get a free copy of the Tartarus Motorized Chainsword instruction manual for more detailed information and photos.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

SHOGUN Heavy Launcher now in Beta Test Phase

The SHOGUN Rapid-Fire Heavy Launcher, our newest area-of-effect weapon is currently in the beta test phase. If luck is on our side, we can expect tests to last a week, hopefully followed by a release date not long after.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

『鋼の夢』Vol 1 - Every Weapon's Story

There are numerous weapon makers in SL, of this there can never be no doubt. However, I find that only a very select few weapons are actually crafted along the lines of any particular theme or story. The idea that a weapon can (and in my opinion, should) be crafted according to a particular principal, theme, or emotion is a concept that I as a weaponsmith on SL adhere to wholeheartedly.

Naturally, we're talking weapons here, so let's address the obvious first. Yes, a theme or aesthetic is NOT intrinsically required for designing a weapon. All that is required when designing a weapon is a purpose and a desired degree of efficiency. An ugly weapon and a beautiful weapon both accomplish the same thing--to hurt, incapacitate, or otherwise eliminate a target.

However, when considering a metaverse like SL, sometimes things like killing efficiency aren't the only things that can determine the worth of a weapon. In a place like SL, where the majority of the in-world content is created by its residents, aesthetic plays more of a key role in weapon design than in any other medium (video games and fiction excluded of course).

Having established as much, it has become of paramount importance to SL users that their weapons not only function well, but also look outstanding. Especially in a world where there are very few of the limitations of reality, designing a weapon with a soul has become (in my mind, anyway) the most important aspect of weaponsmithing on SL.

But what does that really mean, to build a weapon with a soul?

This is a question I hope to elaborate on and answer in forthcoming issues of 『鋼の夢』. As a way of starting, one can say that to build a weapon with soul, you have to really get a feeling for the kind of message a particular weapon idea is trying to get across when it is seen. This is a VERY abstract concept, I know, but try to think of it as if you were stopped at a traffic light, and happened to stare out the window of your car at a group of people waiting at a bus stop. If you are an urban type like I am, then you know the scene already: a hodgepodge handful of humanity, typically all very different-looking from each other or at least ine some sense distinct from each other. Your subconscious has already begun assessing each of these people, whether you are aware of it or not. You already have a pretty good idea of which of these people you are not going to talk to, ones who look approachable, and still others who for one reason or another, make you feel something different.

Weapon ideas, before they are fully clad in steel/iron/rust or what have you, are like these people at the bus stop. Each has an inherent story, a way of living life shaped by certain experiences and philosophies, and particular ways of dressing to convey those ideas.

A weapon crafted carefully by someone who is patient enough to really sit with a project and see it through until the very idea of the weapon is evident on the prima facia build of that weapon is a weapon of character, of soul. A weapon made in this fashion has an enduring aesthetic quality that impresses people on first glance, even if the person can't quite articulate why they think that weapon is "cool."

It is the difference between "cool-looking" and simply "Wow" (or in more vulgar cases "Holy Shit").

Well, I suppose that was all a bit more abstract than the typical lol-filled Tuesday night convos over IM, but I suppose that's why I am a hermit.

More to come.

Currently In Development - April 2010

-An update for the newly-released TITAN BREAKER Multi-Weapon Gauntlet which will include two versions of the weapon: one regular high-detail version and a lower-detailed version that can be scaled down more in size to accomodate petite and/or female avatars.
-April will also see work on the AMATERASU SATELLITE ORBITAL LASER SYSTEM recommence. This weapon has been in development hell for over a year now, and now I believe I have the technical know-how to bring this monstrous concept-weapon to life.
-Light work and experimentation will also begin on the discontinued ANUBIS MEGA CANNON which was taken off the shelves several months ago. The aim will be to create a weapon which can, among other things, generate black holes and singularities, as was the original design aim with this project.
-Work on both the GREMLIN Compact Launcher and SHOGUN Heavy Launcher will continue unabated.
-If time permits, I may even re-re-revisit the idea of the DURANDAL Plasma Sword.