Sunday, December 19, 2010

DOMINION Heavy Flamer Unit Now in Development

The Dominion Heavy Flamer is based on the weapon of the same name and type from the Warhammer 40,000 franchise from Games Workshop. It is currrently equipped with three modes:
-Normal mode for immolating avatars only, particle-driven
-No Effects Mode (no particles, still affects avatars)
-TOTAL WAR Mode for setting everything and everyone on fire

The Dominion is to go out in Beta Testing within the next couple of weeks.

TARTARUS Motorized Chainsword Now on Sale

The TARTARUS Motorized Chainsword from Schism Industries is a must have for any fan of the Warhammer 40,000 franchise. This chainsword comes fully ready to use in battle in your favorite Role Play sim or just to use on friends.

-Compatible with most major combat systems on SL, including but not limited to DCS2, CCS, Osiris, etc.
-Special feature "Brutal Mode" inflicts Damage-over-time bleeding attack
-Sounds/Movement/Particle Effects are all able to be toggled on or off depending on your needs

Please visit our main store in world to get a free copy of the Tartarus Motorized Chainsword instruction manual for more detailed information and photos.